Une entreprise technologique pure et dure comme Barco peut-elle sauver des vies? Absolument. Par exemple grâce à l’intelligence artificielle cumulée qui se cache derrière le Demetra, un scanner dermatologique innovant.
Une révolution numérique est en cours, vous le savez. Mais comment piloter votre entreprise à travers ces changements? C’est le cœur de la troisième édition de "Take the Lead", une collaboration unique entre L’Echo et la Vlerick Business School, qui reprend le 21 mars.
The breakthrough of artificial intelligence will radically change the competitive landscape in which companies or countries are active. 'We want to help Belgian companies in acquiring the necessary skills to enter the race', says Didier Ongena, CEO Microsoft Belgium.
Can a purely tech company like Barco save human lives? The answer is 'yes, it can'. Thanks to the cumulative artificial intelligence hidden behind, for example, the innovative skin scanner Demetra.
The last two years, Take the Lead prepared a lot of participants to take further steps in the digitization of their company. Robin Muliawan tells us how he turned theory into practice after Take the Lead's first edition.
The last two years, Take the Lead prepared a lot of participants to take further steps in the digitization of their company. Jelle Meersmans tells us how he turned theory into practice after Take the Lead's first edition.
At the beginning of this year, Volvo Trucks will be rolling out the real-time monitoring of all new trucks in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany. 'Without Take the Lead, that initiative would never have taken off ', claims driving force Pieter Gheeraert.